Our Corporate Identity
Nkangala FET College Business Brand
Our Logo
Our logo is comprised of four features, namely a picture of a rising sun, a weaving flag, a spear shaped flag-holding stick and the text Nkangala FET College. The colour combinations on the logo are roya blue for the flag, bright orange for the rising sun and black for both the stick and text.
The Rising Sun
The rising sun represents Mpumalanga which is a Ndebele, Swati and Zulu word meaning "Rising Sun", as we are based in Mpumalanga Province.The bright orange colour on the rising sun represents a bright future to the students and region's community.
The Weaving Flag
The weaving flag is a representative of a moving and proud nation. A royal blue colour on the flag represents that we are from the royal nation and gives royal treatment.
The Text
The text "Nkangala" adopted from the name of this region Nkangala, it is a Ndebele, Swati and Zulu word meaning "Highveld" which is a geographical term referring to the area that is situated above sea levels as the region Nkangala is so situated.
The Spear
The spear represents the heroic culture of the community based in the region.